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Journal Articles

Basic technology development of advanced non-destructive detection / Measurement of nuclear material for nuclear security and nuclear nonproliferation

Seya, Michio; Naoi, Yosuke; Kobayashi, Naoki; Nakamura, Takahisa; Hajima, Ryoichi; Soyama, Kazuhiko; Kureta, Masatoshi; Nakamura, Hironobu; Harada, Hideo

Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai (INMM) Nihon Shibu Dai-35-Kai Nenji Taikai Rombunshu (Internet), 9 Pages, 2015/01

The Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been conducting (based on collaborations with JAEA other centers) the following basic technology development programs of advanced non-destructive detection/measurement of nuclear material for nuclear security and nuclear non-proliferation. (1) The demonstration test of the Pu-NDA system for spent fuel assembly using PNAR and SINRD (JAEA/USDOE(LANL) collaboration, completed in JFY2013), (2) Basic development of NDA technologies using laser Compton scattered $$gamma$$-rays (Demonstration of an intense mono-energetic $$gamma$$-ray source), (3) Development of alternative to He-3 neutron detection technology, (4) Development of neutron resonance densitometry (JAEA/JRC collaboration)This paper introduces above programs.

Oral presentation

Secure detection of nuclear material in a heavy shielding and reliable investigation of inner structure of the shielding using mono-energetic high energy and high intensity $$gamma$$-rays

Hajima, Ryoichi; Seya, Michio

no journal, , 

Monochromatic $$gamma$$-rays produced by laser Compton scattering could be used for detection of nuclear material with cobined use of nuclear resonance flourescence. By using ERL (Energy Recovery Linac) based $$gamma$$-ray source for producing high intensity, it is possible to detect nuclear material inside an heavily shielded object and also to have clear imaging inside of it. In this poster presentation, a prospect of application of the $$gamma$$-ray source to nuclear material detection system.

2 (Records 1-2 displayed on this page)
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